Secret Benefits of Almonds
Almond is a very nourishing, effective health-building food both for the body and also mind. Almonds complete with their shells are the best for use. Make sure you select organic almonds. It is just one of the very best nut as well as seed foods.
Soak almonds 24 to 48 hours before consumption and eat about 6 to 10 of them in the morning.
Almond milk is made from almond. Grind almonds to a smooth paste; add water to make it the consistency of milk for a healthy drink abundant in vitamins. It is quickly digestible than cow's milk making it a perfect wholesome drink for children.
Almond butter is one more variant prepared from almonds, valuable for older people who do not obtain enough healthy proteins in their diets. Besides the intake of high calorie healthy protein, other ingredients in almonds are easily absorbable.
Almond has numerous benefits:
A handful of almonds, approx., 7-10 taken at nighttime with or without hot milk is beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Almonds help with anemia as it has copper, iron and also vitamins.
Almonds protect against early appearance of wrinkles, black heads, acne and also completely dry skin.
Eating almonds frequently will reinforce sexual power and also bring back sexual vigor.
Face pack made from almond paste mixed with milk lotion and rose bud paste is a reliable beauty aid.
Crush a few fallen leaves of wild almond with water and cream and apply to afflicted parts with skin conditions. Application of almond oil reduces irritability, itching and helps ease the pain.
Massage your scalp with a tsp. of almond oil blended with amla (Indian Gooseberry) juice as for falling hair, thinness of hair, dandruff and to prevent graying of hair.
A tsp. of oil with a few drops of fresh white onion juice, ginger juice, taken thrice daily for a fortnight is believed to help with whooping cough, bronchitis and also bronchial asthma.
Connect with me for a free consultation on how to make the best of natural foods to supplement your diet and keep yourself healthy.